Retrieving Items

You can retrieve items using the following query parameters:

  • first: Specifies the number of items to retrieve (e.g., first=50).
  • after: Cursor for pagination to retrieve items after a specific point.
  • last: Specifies the number of items to retrieve from the end (e.g., last=50).
  • before: Cursor for pagination to retrieve items before a specific point.

Example Request

To retrieve the first 50 items, use the following endpoint:


Response Structure

The response will include pagination information:

"pageInfo": {
    "endCursor": "YOUR_END_CURSOR",
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": true,
    "startCursor": "YOUR_START_CURSOR"

Pagination Examples

  1. Retrieve the Next 50 Items
    To get the next 50 items, append the after parameter with the endCursor from the previous response:

  2. Retrieve the Last 50 Items
    To retrieve the last 50 items, use the last parameter:

  3. Retrieve Items Before a Specific Cursor
    To get items before a specific point, use the before parameter with the desired cursor:


This structure facilitates efficient navigation through the list of items, allowing for both forward and backward pagination.